Wow,2009!!! I am looking so forward to starting a new year. Great things will be happening here at Cita. We are excited to offer our clients new awesome products and great specials for the year. I know I already thanked you all but here goes again. I am so thankful that you have chosen and still are choosing me to photograph your children. I am so fortunate to be able to work at what I love. I've been out of the studio for over a week now and can't wait to get my cameras back in my hands. I swear if I don't photograph for more than 3 days I get the shakes. I'm addicted. Make sure if you're interested in your child being featured on our promotional materials for 2009, call and set up an interview for the Model Search. We will be sending out the Newsletter in a couple of weeks. Check it out for what's going to be happening here a Cita. We'll be back in the studio Tues, Jan 6th.
Happy New Year!!!!! dt